Build your first FPV Drone.
First step is deciding to build your own drone. Congrats! This is fun and not as scary as people think. We have a full build video to the right of this article.
Justin recommends everyone build a drone when you feel you are ready. It's not expensive and will save you loads of money in the long run. Doing this will also help you know how to repair your drone should something go wrong or break. Our goal is to teach new pilots how to be self sufficient. - That means you!
We put links below for everything you need for the kit, tools, props, and battery. Order the below items
with a silicone build mat. Once everything comes in you can follow along with the video and build your first drone. Build your quad and we will help with radio binding, switch setup, and betaflight.
Subscribe on the Drone Camps Channel for LIVE Stream builds, Betaflight, and radio setup.
Video Correction Note : Justin soldered the capacitor with the RED side to the + side. We were told this particular capacitor the RED goes on the - negative tab. RED solders to the - Ground tab.
FPV Drone Kit we use in this build.
Eachine TYRO79 Pro Kit
Link here :
8% Off Coupon Code : BGDavis2022
Recommended 3S Battery for TYRO79 PRO :
Recommended 4S Battery for TYRO79 PRO :
Recommended 3" Propellers for TYRO79 PRO :
Save 8% Off with my code : BGDavis2022
Recommended FPV Goggles for TYRO79 PRO :
Recommended Lipo Charger for TYRO79 PRO :
Recommended $80 4K Cam, Thumb 4K :
Save 8% Off with my code : BGDavis2022
FPV Tools needed for this Build
HEX Driver Set :
Motor Wrench :
Portable Soldering Iron Kit :
6040 Solder :
Solder Iron Tip Cleaner :
Silicone Builder Mat :

If you need more help please join our Discord Group here :
Article by Justin Davis of Drone Camps RC on Youtube. ® Rights Reserved 2023.
Very Helpful Tutorial!